The installscript files have a format like this: If it has not run of course Steam will try to do so on startup, and if so it will skip it. The installscript files for Windows should contain a "hasrunkey" value pointing to a value in the registry that tracks whether or not that installer has been run already. The installscript files can be anywhere in the game install data, but are often in the root folder or in whatever folder the redistributable installers are in. Except where it's not possible the redistributables are always run in silent mode IDK if this is Valve's doing or if they let the devs/pubs set it up themselves, but most likely Valve has it automated. There will also sometimes, but not always, be a/some file/s called installscript.vdf (or installscript_osx.vdf if there's a Mac-specific version no idea if Linux has it's own specific versions too, but probably) which is meant to auto-run the redistributable installers when necessary. No real idea how you could get around this short of starting over with a fresh install of Windows and installing as much as is compatible by yourself up to the latest versions.

Others cannot be installed on a system that has a newer version of the same thing but can be installed before the newer version which will sometimes but not always remove the older version.lol. Some redistributable installers require other software which may not be installed already and they likely can't install it themselves in silent mode. Some installers also need to be run in admin mode - Steam does try to automate this itself when it's doing the initial setup, but if you're not the admin on your machine or don't have it setup with admin rights it may not be able to properly run some of these installers because of that. They can also just be loosely stored in the root or another folder (usually by a name above, or something similar) of the game installation data. The redistributable installers themselves may be in their own folder in the root named something like Redist, Common, _CommRedist, _CommonRedist, CommonRedist, Redistributables, etc, and/or in folders named after the redist itself like PhysX, DirectX, etc. This is considered the "root" folder below. The redistributables should be in the game's install data folder of the Steam Library folder where it's installed, e.g. Key resellers and what they mean for you.CommunityĬlick here to read the subreddit rules before posting. Get your Steam Profile Flair Steam Status